Why Get a Saint Bernard This Year?
The coolest puppies this year are definitely St. Bernard puppies. These guys have amazing personalities and one of the most adventure loving dogs on the planet. St. Bernard puppies are a man’s best friend which can come in handy if you are lonely during this Valentine’s Day season. These dogs are excellent at showing affection and loving their owners with all that they have. Here are just a few things St. Bernard puppies for which they are known.
They are the hero in the famous movie Beethoven.
This movie portrays the St. Bernard puppy exactly how they act in real life. They are some of the most watchful, friendly and protective dogs out there. This dog treats the children in this film like his most prized possession which is exactly the way St. Bernard’s treat all kids.
They are great hospice dogs.
St. Bernard puppies understand when their owners are sick and are loving towards them regardless. If you or a family friend is in a hospice these dogs will make sure you never feel lonely. They are unlike other dogs in the way that they do not try to detach from you when they know you may be leaving this earth soon.
They are awesome adventure partners.
Another cool trait about St. Bernard puppies is that they love adventures. These dogs never decline an invitation to go on a hike or a boat ride with their owner. As long as they get to spend time with you, they are not concerned about how hard the adventure may be. They also serve as great motivators on adventures that are extremely hard, pushing you to keep moving and going!
St. Bernard puppies are one of the best dogs this year. They appreciate all the time they get to spend with their owners and have the kindest spirit. St. Bernard puppies will be your best friend forever and will never leave you or detach from you because they feel obligated to protect you their whole lives. Thinking of getting one now? Come to our store today!